
Larry is active and has published three books, “Beware Of A Calm Day”, “Lucky Larry’s Life”, and “Successful New Business Book One.” He is currently writing a fourth book about business. The third and fourth book will be a series. Book One of the series is finished and the research for Book Two is finished. Book Two will soon be published.

Having retired several times, without income, Larry has always found something of interest to stay busy. He enjoys life with his wife.

Being an author is a new venture and has been a lot of hard work. It is also exciting. He started from scratch, read a lot of books about being a writer, digested considerable information from several sources, and has listened to numerous ideas about being an author. Having a considerable background of experience has added as well.

His artist wife, Hilea, made his author’s Website on Word Press. He will use the website to write articles mainly for blogging. Writing a blog is not as straightforward as it seems.

He has continued his education by researching and writing articles, books, and learning to edit writings. Larry will learn from you and you’ll have fun working together.

The Website address is: lohauthor.com


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